
Rishabh Datta is a Postdoctoral Associate at the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center. Rishabh works on the computational modeling of magnetohydrodynamics and runaway electrons in fusion plasmas. He completed his Ph.D. at MIT in 2024, investigating the effects of radiative heat transfer in magnetic reconnection. His other interests include radiation transport, magnetized plasma shocks, and surrogate modeling. Click here for Rishabh's CV.



Rishabh Datta is a Postdoctoral Associate at the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center. Rishabh works on the computational modeling of magnetohydrodynamics and runaway electrons in fusion plasmas. He completed his Ph.D. at MIT in 2024, investigating the effects of radiative heat transfer in magnetic reconnection. His other interests include radiation transport, magnetized plasma shocks, and surrogate modeling. Click here for Rishabh's CV.


October 2024 (Talk): I presented a talk on shock mediated flux pileup and radiative cooling in magnetic reconnection at the APS Division of Plasma Physics '24 Meeting in Atlanta, GA. [link]

July 2024 (Thesis): I defended my thesis titled "Radiatively Cooled Magnetic Reconnection Experiments Driven by Pulsed Power" successfully, and was awarded a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from MIT.

July 2024 (News): My work was featured on the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center News. [link]

June 2024 (Award): I was awarded the IEEE Igor Alexeff Outstanding Student in Plasma Science Award. [link]

May 2024 (News): My work was featured as an AIP (American Institute of Physics) Science Highlight (Scilight). [link]

May 2024 (Paper): My paper on the experimental details of radiatively cooled magnetic reconnection on Z now published as Editor's Pick in Physics of Plasmas. [link]

April 2024 (News): My work on radiatively cooled magnetic reconnection was featured as a Research Highlight in Nature Astronomy. [link]

April 2024 (Paper): My paper radiative cooling in magnetic reconnection was highlighted in Physical Review Letters as an Editors' Suggestion. "Only about one Letter in six is highlighted as a Suggestion due to its particular importance, innovation, and broad appeal." [paper] [arxiv]

Feb 2024 (Paper): Paper on spectroscopy analysis using machine learning published in IEEE T. Plasma Science. [paper] [arxiv]

Feb 2024 (Paper) Preprint on radiatively-cooled magnetic reconnection experiments on the Z machine (submitted as an invited paper to Phys. Plasmas) now available. [paper]

Jan 2024 (Paper) Preprint of our paper on radiatively-cooled magnetic reconnection (submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.) now available. [paper]

Jan 2024 (Paper): Preprint of our computational paper on radiatively-cooled magnetic reconnection (submitted to J. Plasma Phys.) now available. [paper]

Dec 2024 (Award): My proposal to characterize adiabatic index in magnetized HED plasmas was funded through the ZNetUS program. The adiabatic index is important for shock compression in inertial confinement fusion.

Nov 2023 (Talk): Invited talk on radiatively-cooled magnetic reconnection at APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting, Denver, CO. [video]

Sep 2023 (Paper): Preprint of paper on spectroscopy analysis using machine learning (submitted to IEEE T. Plasma Science) now available. [paper]

Sep 2023 (Paper): Paper on pulsed-power-driven planar wire arrays was published in Phys. Plasmas. [paper]

Aug 2023 (Talk): Plenary talk on magnetic reconnection experimental results at the Z Fundamental Science Workshop.

Jul 2023 (Talk): Contributed talk at the Dense Z Pinch conference (DZP), Ann Arbor, MI.

Jun 2023 (Talk): Contributed talk at the International Magnetic Reconnection Workshop, Japan.

May 2023 (Award): Awarded the 2023 College of Engineering Exponent Fellowship.

May 2023 (Award): Awarded the 2023 Wunsch Foundation Silent Hoist and Crane Outstanding Student Award.

May 2023 (Award): Awarded Runner-up for best student paper at International Conference of Plasma Science (ICOPS), Santa Fe, NM.

Apr 2023 (News): My research on laboratory astrophysics featured on MIT news. [article]

Dec 2022 (Award): Awarded Best Poster at the MIT AI and ML in Engineering Expo.

Nov 2022 (Paper): Paper on magnetized bow shocks published in J. Plasma Phys. [paper]

Oct 2022 (Paper): Paper on velocity and Mach no. measurements from bow shocks published in Rev. Sci. Instrum. [paper]

Aug 2022 (Award): Awarded the MIT MathWorks fellowship.

Jan 2022 (Thesis): Masters thesis on HED magnetized plasma shocks now available. [thesis]

Sep 2021 (Award): Awarded the Keck Award in Thermal Sciences.

Aug 2021 (Award): Awarded the MIT GSC Conference Grant.